
Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha)?

In India, Vedic Astrology is known as Jyotisha. The first written reference to Jyotisha was in the Vedas, ancient scriptures that are considered to be at least 5,000 years old or more.

Jyotisha is a mathematically sophisticated form of astrology that originated in the ancient Vedic traditions of India.  The word Jyotish means “light” and Jyotisha means “science of light” and it is a study of the cosmos and how the cosmic energy influences all living things on earth. A careful analysis of the birth chart can reveal a person’s journey in this life. 

How is it different from Tropical Astrology?

Main difference is that Vedic Astrology uses Sidereal Zodiac and Tropical uses Tropical Zodiac. Sidearl Zodiac is what you see when you look up at the sky at any given moment. Ex if Jupiter is in Aries when you look up at the sky then that is the position that is used in the calculations in Vedic/Sideral Astrology.

Tropical Astrology/Western Astrology uses the spring equinox as a point of reference in the calculation of the chart. According to this system, the Sun enters Aries on the spring equinox. While this was true 2,000 years ago when Western Astrology was born, it is no longer astronomically accurate.

Yes this will change your sun sign, If you are a Libra in tropical you may or may not be a Libra Ascendant/Rising in Vedic/Sideral.  There is a difference of 23 degrees between the two systems.

Who should get a Jyotish Consultation?

A lot of clients come for a reading at a time of change or crisis, when, due to lack of clarity, they are no longer able to navigate through life in a confident manner. At such times, Vedic Astrology can provide some clarity and indicate some possible directions to take.

Other people come for a reading because they are going through a difficult time, be it in their career, their relationships, or in other areas of life. Vedic Astrology can throw light on what is going on at the time, and on what the future holds in that domain of life. It can predict the times when life will flow smoothly when it will be naturally supported and the times when things are likely to be rocky.

What will I get to know in my Jyotish Consultation?

During your reading, you will learn about your birth chart and the planetary placements at the time of birth.  Your birth chart is a map of the cosmos at the exact time of your birth. By carefully analyzing and interpreting the birth chart (Jyotish Consultation done by a Vedic Astrologer), one can get an assessment of their life purpose by understanding their karma, their souls true aim in life so they feel more fulfilled and a better understanding of their strength and weakness to grow and thrive to meet their goals. 

Jyotish can help people understand themselves better, understand their strengths and weaknesses and their likely path in life, the choices they will be drawn to make and the experiences they are likely to have.

Can Jyotisha help me gain clarity about my career, my health, my relationships?

Yes! Jyotisha is an advance predictive science so by analyzing your birth chart an astrologer can identify time periods where different aspects of life (finance, marriage, childbirth, and Health issues) are either supported or not supported. 

Vedic Astrology can also assess compatibility between partners or family members (the time and place of birth of all involved parties are necessary for this). During compatibility readings, clients find themselves developing a sense of deeper understanding and compassion for their own idiosyncrasies and shortcomings as well as for those of their partner or other family members. This can lead to better, more harmonious relationships.

A Vedic Astrology reading can also provide helpful information for health, pinpointing the more vulnerable organs or body systems that necessitate greater care and attention throughout one’s life. It can also identify the times of increased stress for the body when disease might manifest in full force or when regular medical exams might be necessary. By finding out that their health is likely to suffer at a certain time, a client can take preventative steps before entering the difficult astrological period.

What happens after my Jyotish consultation?

Jyotish will recommend a solution which is karmically aligned to your birth chart.  The remedies can vary from chanting a Mantra, fasting, donating your time in service or monetary donations to a charity, small religious ceremony, meditation, or Gemstones.  All these remedies work at a subtle energetic level to raise your vibrations to meet your karmic footprint.